This page/link will be available only when until not enrolled for TAP payment.

To enroll the tuition auto payment,

  • Click Enroll in Tuition Auto Pay (TAP) in Home page, Create Tap Funding Account Page 1 will be displayed:

Create Tap Funding Account  Page 1

  • Enter the name in Name of Funding Account.
  • Select the type from Card Type.
  • Enter the name in Card Holder Name.
  • Enter the number in Card Number.
  • Select the month and year for Card Expiry.
  • Click Submit. Terms and Conditions Page will be displayed to get the acknowledgment for enrollment of card in tuition auto pay.
  • Click the check box to enroll in tuition auto pay. Its Mandatory field.
  • Click Enroll me in Tuition Auto Pay, success message will be displayed for enrollment.