To Add / Edit the family record of parent information,

  • Click Add / Edit Family Record in Home page , Edit Family Record Page will be displayed:

Edit Family Record Page

Basic Info,

  • Modify the required details.
  • Select the Marital Status

Physical Address,

  • Enter the Home Address
  • Enter the City
  • Select the State from list
  • Enter the Zip

Mailing Address,

  • Click the check box of Same as Physical Address to display the same address here else need to enter the following,
  • Enter the City
  • Select the State from list
  • Enter the Zip


  • Enter the number in Phone Number and select from the list.
  • Enter the number in Secondary Phone Number and select from the list
  • Click Edit, to edit the primary email.
  • Enter the email in Secondary Email


  • Select the status from Service Status list
  • As per the status selected, need to enter the employer details.

Family Info,

  • Select the Payment Frequency.

Additional Parent / Guardian,

  • Click Add New, Additional Parent/Guardian Page will be displayed:

    • Enter the name in First Name.
    • Enter the name in Middle Name
    • Enter the name in Last Name
    • Enter the Email
    • Enter the Phone number and Select from the list.
    • Click Save, success message will be displayed.
  • Added details will be displayed in Additional Parent / Guardian. To edit the details click Edit and to delete the records click Delete.
  • Click Save. Success Message will be displayed.

Note: Fill the details in Mandatory fields and if required fill the details for Parent*2