To view the status for the requested hourly status,

  • Click View Requested Hourly Care Status in Home Page, Hourly Care Requests - Status Page will be displayed:

 Hourly Care Requests - Status Page

  • Select the child from Select Child list
  • Select the dates from Select Dates list. The corresponding dates will be automatically displayed in From and To.

Note: For Custom Date user must enter the From and To date .

  • Click submit. The request will be displayed.
  • Click View Invoice, to view the invoice details. The File Download window will be displayed, click Open to open or Save to save the invoice in the PDF file. Displayed only for Approved hourly care requests.
  • To pay the invoice click Pay Now. Displayed only for Approved and not paid hourly care requests.
  • To cancel the request even after the approved and pending approval status, click Cancel.

Note: Once if the request is approved, parent must pay the invoice for the requested hourly care even if the child did not attend the center. In case if the request is cancelled by parent before 2 hours of the start time of hourly care no need to pay the invoice to the center.(Example: If the requested time is 8:00AM , parent is cancelling the request at 7:00AM need to pay the invoice. If they cancelled the request at 5:45AM no need to pay the invoice.)