By using this module, parent can upload the family and child forms to the centers.

To upload the family form,

  • Click Upload Form in Home Page. Upload Form Page 1 will be displayed:

Upload Form Page 1

  • Select Family in Select Type.
  • Select the center to upload the form in Select Center
  • Enter Name
  • Enter the Description
  • Select the category from Forms Category list
  • Click Browse to upload the form.Its Mandatory to upload the form.
  • Click Submit. Success message will be displayed.

To upload the child form,

  • Click Child Form in Upload Form Page, Upload Form Page 2 will be displayed where parent can upload the child form to the center.

Upload Form Page 2

  • Select the Child from the list.
  • Select the center to upload the form in Select Center
  • Enter Name
  • Enter the Description
  • Select the category from Forms Category list
  • Click Browse to upload the form.Its Mandatory to upload the form.
  • Click Submit. Success message will be displayed.